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Covid 19 Guidelines

We’re looking forward to welcoming you back to Madderty Village Hall as the COVID-19 restrictions start to ease.

We will continue to monitor the Scottish Government guidelines regarding events and community halls.

Please check this page for updates if national COVID restrictions change.

Madderty Hall,

St. David's,


Crieff, PH7 3PJ


Tel: 01764 683833



Madderty Community Association is a Scottish Guarantee Company (Company No. SC341623)

Recognised as a Scottish Company under Scottish Charity No. SC014071

Registered Office: Madderty Hall, St. David's, Madderty, Crieff, PH7 3PJ

Wedding Photographs courtesy of

©2021 Madderty Community Association

Madderty Community Association rewards staff in line with the Real Living Wage Guidance.

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Madderty Community Association wishes to thank all those who contributed to the funding of the hall including:
Community Energy Scotland - CARES, Gannochy Trust, Gordon Fraser Charitable Trust
Hay Maclagan Trust, Hugh Fraser Foundation, Perth and Kinross Council
Rural Development Fund, Tay Charitable Trust

A big thank you must also go to the people of Madderty and surrounding areas who not only raised funds
for this project but also provided the support and encouragement for it to proceed.

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